Page 16 - The Enso Circle Artists-in-Residence Exhibition Catalog, December 2022
P. 16


          the                   CHERYL LEWIS

          Artist &


          Work                 Everything I create flows from my kinship with nature and

                               appreciation for the life it gives. As a woodturner, I honor fallen
                               trees that have hosted a rich community of organisms and
                               animals, even as they enable our breathing.

                               Using a lathe, I shape remnants into new forms. Then, utilizing
                               an ancient art process, I paint them with molten, pigmented
                               beeswax reinforced with tree sap.

                               Bees are also an integral part of our ecosystem and essential to
                               our existence. My goal is for my art to celebrate nature and its
                               many gifts.

                               My current work takes what has long been practiced on flat
                               panels and pushes it into the realm of 3-D to reflect the fullness
                               of nature.

                               I’m also exploring recovering imperfect forms created and
                               rejected by woodturning colleagues. These forms are not lost
                               to the discard pile but are upcycled to further honor our natural

                                                                                                BEES AND TREES
                                                                                                Beeswax, tree sap,
                                                                                                pigment, oil paint
                                                                                                pigment stick, pas-
                                                                                                tels on wood

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