Page 21 - The Enso Circle Artists-in-Residence Exhibition Catalog, December 2022
P. 21

A Simple Molecule
        10/22/22   Nan Roche               Power over land, it carves even granite     Solidified by cold,

                                           yet is soft as a baby’s skin.               it sits on the poles and mountains
        It starts with a trickle of water   It can raze whole towns                    like a nesting hen,
        which knows where it must be going.   when pushed and surged by a fickle wind,   sending glacial fingers
        Some subtle declination                                                        into unsuspecting valleys.
        gives it its destiny.              spun up in equatorial waters.
                                           A simple molecule.                          It drives the earth’s weather

 RECONCILIATION   Strange stuff,           There would be no life                      like a mixing bowl.
        the simplest of molecules,         without its existence                       Glaciers will disappear,
 Water soluble charcoal on watercolor paper
        eventually to reach the sea                                                    ice will melt,
 12” x 18”
        and turn the planet blue.          as it bathes the embryos of crocodiles,     the cities of man will disappear,
                                           cuckoos, and cassowaries alike,
        Life’s potential bathed in it.     mimicking the mother sea on land            its undeniable power
        Holding up whales,                 in both egg and placenta.                   will rule this fragile orb
        turning them into creatures                                                    with impunity and impudence.
        of lithe grace like massive ballerinas.            21                          Yet, such a simple molecule.
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