Page 22 - The Enso Circle Artists-in-Residence Exhibition Catalog, December 2022
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          the                       MARY FRANCES SPEARS

          Artist &

          the                     Mary Frances is a conceptual artist seeking an intersection between

                                  intuitive driven abstract and representational works. Traveling and
          Work                    exploring our public lands and monuments in her mobile studio/RV she
                                  connects and responds to place, history, and environmental narratives.
                                  She is seeking to bring forward stories and metaphors that encourages
                                  connections to our world and each other.

                                  As a multi-media artist, how the viewer experiences a visual tale or
                                  memory, are primary considerations. Whether choosing, encaustic paint-
                                  ing (wax based), fiber-based assemblage, photography/printmaking, or
                                  drawing mediums; the media she uses act as the “lens” through which
                                  the viewer enters her interpreted world.

                                  Mary Frances began life surrounded by colors and textures of fibers
                                  and fabrics passed down by her grandmother. Her grandfather, a natu-
                                  ralist, instilled a love and wonder of nature. Artistic influences include,
                                  Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Cezanne, William Turner, and Georgia O’Keef-
                                  fe. Each one innovative in the approach to their environment.

                                  While visiting San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, the leg-
                                  end of the Lady in Blue, captured my imagination. A 17th century Span-
                                  ish abyss visited the American Indians 500 times over ten-years, using
                                  bilocation. Traditions suggests where her blue cape touch the ground
                                  blue flowers sprouted.

                                  This art doll began with the ingredients of an Indian medicine bag for
                                  Love, Kindness and Healing, wrapped in white cloth attached to twigs
                                  from the Espada Aqueduct to form the armature. Each component used
                                  represents aspects of her and the legends and history she inspired.

                                  For more information search “the lady in blue story and history”

                                  On Instagram, follow Mary Frances and her mobile studio @rvistaquest

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