Page 36 - The Enso Circle Artists-in-Residence Exhibition Catalog, December 2022
P. 36

About        LYN BELISLE


          Artist &             Like every Enso Circle Resident, Michelle and I set a personal goal

          the                  for the twelve-week term and work alongside the Resident fellow artists

                               as part of the community. This practice ensures that we are not just the
          Work                 Circle “leaders,” but are empathetic participants in the process.

                               And like many of the Residents, our goals often shift or morph as we
                               pursue them over the weeks. Here is the description of the goal that I set
                               for myself at the beginning of this term:

                               Explore the construction of mixed-media feminine/female/woman/
                               binary sculptural figures using material a metaphor and working with a
                               combination of:

                                       Indigo-dyed fabric - communication, meditation and peace
                                       Bone – mortality, permanence - contradiction
                                       Earthenware – reconnection with natural forces, transformation
                                       Wood (reclaimed) – service, protection
                                       Beeswax – fire, resurrection

                               The figure that resulted (right) was actually a continuation of a piece
                               that I had started several years ago. It never had a sense of completion,
                               but as I looked at my goal, I realized that it lacked the quality of
                               metaphor that could be achieved by the addition of symbolic materials.
                               I added wood and bone, and more beeswax. The silk fiber I used was
                               not Indigo-dyed but was instead dyed with natural tea tannins. The title,
                               Flights of Fancy, refers to the liberating power of human imagination.

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