Page 39 - The Enso Circle Artists-in-Residence Exhibition Catalog, December 2022
P. 39

Congratulations to the Residents of the Enso Circle for an excellent exhibit!

                              We are so grateful to you for your creativity, courage, and diversity!

        Michelle Belto is a multi-faceted artist and teacher,   Lyn Belisle is a multidisciplinary artist embracing
        whose work as an artist, educator and author spans     encaustic painting, earthenware, digital imagery,
        more than forty years, three continents and multiple   sculpture, textiles and found objects. Her artwork
        publications. She holds degrees and certifications     gives expression to her quest to discover and connect
        in Fine Art, Theater and Expressive Arts. Michelle’s   synchronistic shards of meaning through collage and
        teaching schedule includes instruction in her          assemblage. She teaches mixed-media workshops at
        signature work with paper and wax (Wax and Paper       Lyn Belisle Studio in San Antonio, and also teaches
        Workshop, Northlight Press 2012) and her life’s work   nationally, most recently in Santa Fe, Provincetown,
        developing an insightful process for deciphering       Washington State, and Taos. Her online workshops
        meaning and purpose from the art we create. Her        and ebooks cover an array of topics for all levels. Her
        work is in private, corporate and museum collections.  signature media are earthenware, paper and fiber.
        Michelle is a R&F Teir Instructor for R&F Paints and   She recently retired from the faculty in the Computer
        an adjunct faculty at Southwest School of Art where    Science Department at Trinity University to work full
        she teaches a variety of encaustic painting courses.   time at her studio.

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