Page 4 - The Enso Circle Artists-in-Residence Exhibition Catalog, December 2022
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When Lyn Belisle and I began the work of establishing the Enso Circle in 2020, we were
primarily focused on bringing the experience of an artist’s residency to others. We kept hearing
about others who were floundering, often alone in their Covid protected studios. It was that
need that the Residency was designed to meet.
At the time, I never dreamed the Enso Circle would have such a profound effect on my own
work as an artist. These last five terms of setting goals and being accountable has transformed
how I make art and inspired a new direction in my work. I am humbled to realize that the Circle
has been that kind of spark for those who come through our virtual doors.
As mixed media and encaustic artists, Lyn and I originally thought that those who applied for
the Residency would be mostly the student artists we knew from our teaching. But from the
very first term, The Enso Circle has drawn women and men creators from various time zones
and a multitude of mediums. In fact, diversity has become the hallmark of the Residency. The
one thing we all have in common, though, is the desire to create and deepen our work.
The outstanding artwork represented in this Exhibition Catalogue is only a fragment of what has
been created this term. The images you see point to what has been accomplished, but that is
not all that has happened in these last twelve weeks. Lifelong friendships have been forged in
this virtual community with bonds strong enough to inspire road trips to meet one another in
person. A heartfelt thank you to each of these amazing artists for allowing Lyn and I to be a part
of their life and their creative process.
Michelle Belto
Co-Founder, The Enso Circle
January 6, 2022