Page 5 - The Enso Circle Artists-in-Residence Exhibition Catalog, December 2022
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This fifth catalog in the Enso Circle series is once again tangible proof that “what if” can become
        a reality. When Michelle and I presented this “virtual Residency” concept to the arts community in
        early 2021, we had no idea how that community would respond. The fact that Michelle and I are in
        the planning process for our sixth Enso Circle term in 2023 is an overwhelming affirmation, and we
        are incredibly grateful.

        During this twelve week term, I expected that each of these amazing Residents would produce
        competent, skillful art, and they succeeded my expectations. And I was once again surprised by the
        function of the Enso Circle group itself as a source of creative courage. What happens individually is
        supported and enriched by what happens collectively. We can risk without fear because the Circle is
        a safety net. Perhaps a better metaphor would be a trampoline – if we fall, the circle helps us bounce
        back even higher with authentic, eclectic work. And it’s fun!

        Chuck Close said, “Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get the work done.
        If you wait around for the clouds to part and a bolt of lightning to strike you in the brain, you’re not
        going to make an awful lot of work.” The artists whose work you’ll see in this catalog showed up.
        They worked hard toward their goals. Behind the scenes, in our online Enso discussion group, they
        shared personal challenges, frustrations with process, fear of failure, deadline stress, triumphs small
        and large, and some pretty shady jokes! What was blessedly absent was competition, criticism, and

        It has been an honor to work with these generous, giving, talented people. And it is a joy to see the
        results of their time as Enso Circle Artists-in-Residence displayed on these pages, both in words and

        Lyn Belisle

        Co-Founder, The Enso Circle
        September 10, 2022

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