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We initiated the first Enso Circle in March of 2021, only a few weeks after the historic
Texas winter storm that shut down our city and decimated flora across the state. Against
that backdrop, we accepted the first twelve artists in The Enso Circle Residency, who
having been isolated in their Covid studios, bravely stepped into a new virtual world,
coming together as artists. What a difference two years make!
This year Spring arrived in South Texas with a welcome downpour of rain that, although
not enough to wipe out the effects of a three-year drought, filled our gardens with a
profusion of vegetables and flowers. What a difference twelve weeks make!
A similar feeling of abundance has marked this sixth term of the Enso Circle. Twelve
weeks of creative collaboration here in this virtual community have yielded friendships
and astounding artwork, but the art you see in this exhibition catalog is only a fragment
of what has been created this term. We’ve seen how art can renew hope against a
backdrop of hardship and isolation. We’ve witnessed personal and professional growth
that affirms our belief that becoming a better and more confident artist happens best in a
supportive community of other artists.
As we come to the end of another term, we are thankful for these residents who have
accepted our invitation and braved a new way across time zones and countries to create
a vibrant and inspired community. Through art and the warmth of human connection,
we’ve seen the difference that the community makes.
Michelle Belto
Co-Founder, The Enso Circle
June 18, 2023