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Artist &
the The series “Oracles” reflects the relationship between two women who
use the “art that seeks to discover hidden knowledge.” Each piece
Work stands on its own but together “The Messenger” and “Fire Mother”
symbolize strength through mutual love, empathy, and support.
Each piece stands on its own, but together “The Messenger” and “Fire
Mother” show how mutual love, empathy, and support strengthens their
bond as well as their presence in the world.
“Oracles” has opened up new possibilities for my artistic and spiritual
journey. Adding mixed media to figurative clay pieces has been
intriguing and challenging, and I believe this new path will open up
exciting opportunities to incorporate my spiritual life into my visual
Organic materials, clay, underglaze,
glaze, plaster, textiles, beads, paper,
metals, personal objects
24” x 18”
Text from Iris Oracle Deck, Mary
Elizabeth Evans, with gratitude.
Work #2 Work #3
Organic materials, clay, underglaze, Organic materials, clay, underglaze,
glaze, plaster, textiles, beads, paper, glaze, plaster, textiles, beads, paper,
metals metals, personal objects
12” x 18” 14” x 17”
“Her ability to give her love and her “When you were born into this body,
colors never leave her.” “Nothing your spirit had so much to say about
truly belongs to her.” all that it knows and has seen. Now,
you have the ability to help it speak.”