Page 4 - December 20_2020 2
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M i n i s t ry O p p o r t u n i t i e s
Here’s how Amazon Smile Purchases can benefit the Cornerstone Academy
Shop Amazon Smile and designate Cornerstone Academy as the beneficiary,
then a portion of your purchase will go to the Academy. If you do this today, the
Academy will benefit during the Christmas shopping season. Click one the links
above to find The Academy on Amazon Smile and be sure to bookmark it!!
You must go into AMAZON SMILE and select Cornerstone Academy as your
charity first. Then remember that you must always start shopping at and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible Am-
azonSmile purchases, at NO COST to you.
Please note, we will
not have any of the
Connect Groups meet-
ing Sunday, Dec. 27.
All Zoom meetings are
canceled for that day.