Page 4 - May 30
P. 4
M i n i s t ry O p p o r t u n i t i e s
Join us for Praise In The Parking Lot, Sunday, June 6 at 10am.
For this service we are ALL sitting in our own lawn chairs in the parking lot. There will
only be 20 car spaces for those with serious health conditions or circumstances where
they need to stay in their vehicle and they will need to register for a spot via our website
We will meet in the south parking lot for service. You will be able to drop off your family
to be seated, before you park on the north side of the church. Remember, we are all sit-
ting and we must bring our chairs for service.
You don't have to register for this service unless you are staying in your car. If you're in
the limited car section, you must arrive by 9:45am. You will enter on the first driveway
by the Doctor's office next to our church. The car section will be closed by 9:55am. You
only need to register if you are in the car section.
If you are unable to attend after you register, please email Veronica Griffith
at so that we can remove your name from the list and allow
others to attend. Thank you!