Page 10 - January 15
P. 10

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

           Embrace Grace 1st session is finishing at the end of this month. We are celebrating each of the ladies
           with  a  baby  shower  on  Saturday,  January  21,  2023.  We  are  asking  for  donations  of  the
           following baby items. Donations can be left at the Connection or on the designated table beside the
           Embrace Grace banner in the foyer.
                    Diapers (sizes 1 & 2), Baby Wipes, Blankets, Burp cloths/bibs, Toiletries, Baby Toys, Mom
                    devotional Bible
           Our Spring Embrace Grace session is starting Wednesday, February 8, 2023. Embrace Grace is a
           12-week program that provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support for single, young pregnant
           women who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy. We have an amazing opportunity to teach
           them about God's love and grace. For more information on Embrace Grace ministries, please visit
  If you know any women who would benefit from being a part of this ministry,
           please contact Erica K Perry at (708) 268-2708,, who is heading up this group
           here at Cornerstone.

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