Page 14 - January 15
P. 14

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

                 Family F.E.S.T. 2023 is fast approaching January 28-29th and you don't

                    want to miss it. There is a spiritual battle for the souls of our families

                        and it's time we, The Church, went on the offensive instead of
                                                      the defensive.

                  The keynote speakers and workshop leaders are Dr. Bryan Carter and

                   1st Lady, Stephanie Carter. We will also have Dr. Ebony Lang as our

                            guest clinician and facilitator for Saturday's workshop.

                      We will put Spiritual Formation into a fun and simple format that
                            empowers the entire family. Registration is open online

                  at or you can register by scanning the QR Code.

                   The first 30 family registrations will be entered in a raffle for dinner at
                                      Saltgrass for your family. Sign up today!

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