Page 13 - October 31
P. 13

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s


           Financial Hope
           Through this seven-week workshop, you’ll learn how to create a financial plan for your life, including
           basic budgeting, a debt repayment strategy, and a plan for avoiding future debt by building a solid sav-
           ings plan. Financial Hope Workshop is a fun and interactive class that features trained leaders who
           personally assist you in developing and implementing your plan, so you can become financially free.
           Financial freedom is possible! Join us and find out how it can become a reality for you.

           During the workshop, you’ll receive:
                    · A Financial Hope Workshop student workbook;
                    · Community and accountability; and
                    · Most importantly, a biblical understanding of God’s heart for your finances!

           Class Day and Time: Sundays from 5-6PM          Class Location: Online Only – Via Zoom
           Class Dates: October 3 – October 24              Course Fee: $10
           Instructor: Dawud Mabon

                                FALL SEMESTER 2021 – Part 2


           Raising & Working with Children of Special needs
           Designed for parents, workers, and teachers who have children with special needs: Autism, Special
           Education -IEP's, Behaviors, and Disengaged. Insight & strategies to navigate the school system and
           resources available. Strategies & insight for church leaders/teachers who will work with children of spe-
           cial needs.

           Class Day and Time: Saturdays from 9-10AM      Class Location: Hybrid (In-person and online)
           Class Dates: November 6, 13, and 20             Course Fee: $0 notes
           Instructor: Janelle Taylor

           ~PERSONAL GROWTH~
           15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
           How do you reach your potential?  The answer is growth.  To reach your potential you must grow.  In
           addition, to grow you must be highly intentional about it.  Join us on a 5-week study of “The 15 Invalua-
           ble Laws of Growth”. The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth will equip you to have the best chance of be-
           coming the person you were created to be.

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