Page 14 - October 31
P. 14

M i n i s t ry   O p p o r t u n i t i e s

           Class Day and Time: Sundays from 5-6PM          Class Location: Online Only – Via Zoom
           Class Dates: November 7 – December 12            Course Fee: $10
           Instructor: Dawud Mabon

                                         SPRING SEMESTER 2022

                                          (More classes will be added soon)

           Parenting On Purpose

           The extent of your success as a parent is only as strong as your intentionality in your marriage. Parent-
           ing on purpose will look at the correlation between what we intentionally cultivate in our marriage and
           what we can expect to see in our parenting. Curriculum Resource: Kingdom Marriages by Dr. Tony Ev-

           Class Day and Time: Fridays from 7-8PM            Class Location: Hybrid (In-person and online)
           Class Dates: TBD – 8 Week Course               Course Fee: $0
           Instructor: Janelle Taylor

           ~PERSONAL GROWTH~
           Nine Fruits of the Spirit Devotional Series
           Far from being a "doomsday preacher," Paul left us, through his letter to the Galatians, a picture of the
           complete Christian. Emphasizing what he called the "fruit of the spirit," he listed nine characteristics
           that reap a harvest of nourishing fruit in the life of the believer. In this Bible study devotion, you will
           learn about yourself, learn how to relate to others, and gain a deeper understanding of what being "in
           Christ" means.
           Class Day and Time: Thursdays from 7-8PM       Class Location: Online only (for now) – via Zoom
           Class Dates: Feb. 3 - April 7 (10-week course)      Course Fee: $10
           Instructor: Veronica Griffith

           15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

           How do you reach your potential?  The answer is growth.  To reach your potential you must grow.  In
           addition, to grow you must be highly intentional about it.  Join us on a 5-week study of “The 15 Invalua-
           ble Laws of Growth”. The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth will equip you to have the best chance of be-
           coming the person you were created to be.

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