Page 5 - Oxford 10 Step Manual
P. 5

 Categorizing Leads -Abbreviations and designations of what can occur:
C.C. – Called and Cancelled!
Somewhere between the time you were issued the lead and your visit, the customer called in and cancelled the appointment.
The lead department will attempt to reach you whenever possible, but sometimes they cannot and you end up making the trip and not getting a demonstration.
N.S. – No Show!
In this instance, the customer simply is not home. Either they forgot the appointment or something else causes them to leave. They did not notify us.
The result is a trip and no demonstration.
1 L – One Legger!
This is when one of the home-owners is not present and is not due home soon.
As a rule, we do not give a presentation to a “one- legger”. Almost always it results in a... “I’ll pass this information along and let you know.”
The most important thing to do is to follow the company policy of getting the lead re-set. Getting sizes of units or work to be done is also a potential action.
Do Not Present or Price! R.T. – Rep Tied Up!
This is when you are on another demonstration and cannot leave to make your next appointment. Call the office and notify the lead department so we don’t lose the lead.
STEP 1 – Lead Handling and Entry
G.I.C. – Government Grant; Insurance Bid; Commercial Job.
These are generally not our type of customer. They frequently involve a lengthy bidding process (weeks and months) that is not our way of doing business. The solicitor does not always know this at the time the lead is set.
B.O. – Blow Out!
This is a situation where for one reason or another the rep cannot give the demo, even when there is a need for the product.
P.M. – Pitch and Miss!
Full presentation and price was given. Could not close the sale!
P. P. – Pitch and Pending!
This is when you accepted the reason the customer gave you for not signing tonight, yet both you and the customer expect to get together imminently (days).
We are in a one-call close business. Pitch & Pending should be unique and few and far between. It’s a habit that will put you out of this business...... because you make no commissions!
S. A. – This designates a SALE!
The successful completion of all of the steps to the sale results in business. You go home happy!
           Knowledge Is A Valuable Tool!
The sale is the natural conclusion to the successful completion of these ten steps.

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