Page 57 - Oxford 10 Step Manual
P. 57

 STEP 7-
Now let’s talk about keeping the drafts out and the energy in. That’s where the money is saved and the comfort level elevated.
There are four areas that are “critical” for a tight sealing window.
1) Bottom Sash & Sill 2) Meeting Rail
3) Top Sash & Header 4) Sash & Jambs
• Show sill section cut away and sash rail from the parts kit.
Where the bottom sash closes on the sill is the one I want to cover with you first.
Look at how the sash and sill seal together on the window sample.
Let me use these cut
away pieces of the sill
and sash to show you
“up close” the special
sealing features you get with our Oxford DESIGN.
1. The vinyl itself is an insulator. It’s just about equal to wood for insulation.
2. The rubber bulb compression seal creates a superior air blockage even if the window is slightly ajar. Most windows stop there! Oxford has lots more!
3. Wool pile #1 is a second barrier, right behind the vinyl gasket.
4. Wool pile #2 makes sure the fit of the sash against the inside sill is tight.
5. The sill shape itself adds protection. Notice it is not smooth. This ridge offers more protection against wind and storm driven moisture.
6. The hospital ledge is more protection. Its purpose is to defeat the air-flow.
7. When I turn the sill piece over, you’ll notice there is more support. The combination of vinyl, energy pockets, and reinforcement provides strength and insulation.
8. We are unique in combining strength and insulating value. That means money savings for you.
“I point this out specially, because most folks are simply not educated to look for features like this.”
“We build the quality in, so you get problem-free performance. It adds a little to the cost but adds years of durability to the window.”
9. When we install, our technicians add insulation under the sill.
“When you add them all up, these features equal quality at its best...quality that you just can’t get from window companies that sell cheap windows. After all, they have to save money somewhere, don’t they?”
10. Our dry glazing system places no stress on the glass and makes replacing sash a snap.
NONE OF OUR COMPETITORS HAVE THIS. When tested at 180 to 200 mph our glazing bead stays in place. The competition puts their glazing bead to the outside because they know that under those mph forces their method would blow in. Plus they use a tape or a silicone to glue the sash in place (referred to as wet glazing). They use the glass as a ”brace” for the sash because they know the all vinyl construction is too weak. “Scary isn’t it?” 99% of all vinyl windows manufactured today uses this wet-glazing method because it is cheaper and easier to make. In addition
  Knowledge Is A Valuable Tool!
The sale is the natural conclusion to the successful completion of these ten steps.

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