Page 80 - Oxford 10 Step Manual
P. 80

 STEP 10 -
REPLACING THE LEAD is a very important responsibility of every sales person. Let’s think about the reasons why:
• A self-generated lead is the most fruitful visit you can make. A single self-generated lead has the value of 8-10 cold call telemarketed leads.
• The cost of leads today is higher than ever before. Whether we use Telemarketing, TV, Radio, Print, Mailers or Inserts, the costs are high and returns are unpredictable.
• You can add tens of thousands of dollars to your income from working your customer base and their neighbors. If earning more money is your goal, replace the lead!
Here are some suggestions and programs you can use:
The C.S.C. program has a high potential for generating sales and commissions than any other customer program.
C.S.C stands for Certified Customer Call program. It gives you the chance to certify the satisfaction of the customer.
It’s an easy program if you are willing to commit to 1/2 day per week. It pays high rates for the time.
Here’s how it works: On the day of installation or not longer than a day or two later, visit the job and 1) check out the work, 2) make sure the customer is happy with the work, 3) report any service.
Above all else, thank the customers for their business! Let them know you appreciate their patronage and
express to them that you hope they’ll become long- time satisfied customers.
Ask for more work if there are more windows and doors that need replaced. If they are satisfied, they’ll consider giving more work.
The numbers will work
for you. If you visit 100
customers per year, you’ll
discover 10 add-on jobs there. Why wait for your phone department to get the lead?
No matter the response for more work, always ask for leads! By now, the customer has told folks about their work and might know some that have expressed an interest.
Don’t assume that customers, even happy ones, will tell you about other comments. You have to ask!
Whether or not you get leads, always set the stage for this customer to be an ongoing source of leads, sales and
commissions. Explain the Oxford Bonus Book!
Mr. & Mrs. Customer, since I depend on referrals for 30% of my income, I always need the names of folks
interested in getting information on the windows and doors I sell.
You can be of great help to me if you would assist me with this very easy referral program.
       Knowledge Is A Valuable Tool!
The sale is the natural conclusion to the successful completion of these ten steps.

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