Page 3 - OLB Comms Guide1
P. 3

0.5-5w typical with a handheld / Up to 50w typical on mobile style units /
                                  Up to 200w possible on base station units / Higher outputs possible with
                           Amateur technician license required (easy test, ~$15/10yr, covers single

                                     amplification / All operations must adhere to RF exposure safety

                         •2 Meter Amateur Band | VHF 144-148 MHz
                                       guidelines and FCC regs. •MURS (Multi-Use Radio Service) | VHF 151.82-154.60 MHz Open consumer unlicensed use Amateur technician license required (easy test, ~$15/10yr, covers single  0.5-5w typical with a handheld / Up to 50w typical on mobile style units /  Higher ouput possible on base station units / Higher outputs possible with  amplification / All operations must adhere to RF exposure safety  guidelines and FCC regs. •FRS (Family Radio Ser

                              user)           2W TX limit •70CM Amateur Band | UHF 420-450 MHz  user)  0.5W TX max  chart below)

                           •    •           •  •   •    •           •  •  •  •  •

                          U.S. Citizen's Band (CB)

                                 Channel: 16 License: There is no license requirement for CB use in the United   States of America. Squelch: Almost all CB radios will have a squelch control, this  additional knob is used to adjust the noise cut-off on the incoming  signal. If you find that other people in your group can hear you,  but you can't hear them, adjust the squelch down as you may be  filtering too much of the incoming signal. Range: CB power output is limited to 4 watts, so
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