Page 8 - OLB Comms Guide1
P. 8

Repeater Directories provide the basic info
                                                                you will need to program a repeater.

                                  components for programming

                             each radio uses these same
                        Each radio is different,  but

                                       repeater frequencies  Difference between an open or  closed (Private) repeater?   Closed or Private repeaters are   few, and  usually require a membership  to access.  Open repeaters are  come one, come all at no   charge. You tube is  good source for  programming instructions for  many radios. Go to the you   tube web site  and search for your radio.  is a  huge resource for all   frequencies


                         Basic Information  needed to program any   radio for a repeater  The listed frequency of the repeater   145.790 600 kHz for 2 Meters or 5 mhz  Plus or Minus  Tone, CTCSS, T Sql, PL  254.1HZ Can name by area, Repeater Call Sign,   channel spacing (If you are programming a simplex channel, input the same

                                                Receive Frequency – is the receive frequency  Ex.  145.390  Transmit Frequency –  Offset Frequency  -  UHF, etc Offset Direction or Input –  FM Operating Mode –  Tone Mode-  88.5HZ – Tone Code –  Channel Name –  etc.  12.5khz or 20 khz  Step –  frequency for input and output)
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10