Page 104 - ECA Yearbook 2023
P. 104

        A. The Championship Regatta shall be conducted between mid-August and mid-October,
        and the host fleet in consultation with the Governing Committee will determine the exact
        date. Preferably, the Regatta dates should be determined in time to be announced by
        February 1st preceding the Regatta.
        B. The Championship Regatta will be sailed in the waters of a host fleet, to be selected by
        the Governing Committee. The championship may not, however, be contested on the same
        waters in two consecutive years. In choosing a host fleet, the Governing Committee should
        be guided by the following factors:
        1. Facilities adequate to conduct a regatta and to handle at least 35 boats on the starting
        2. Sufficient potential for borrowed boats to meet the estimated demand.
        3. Past contribution to the Ensign Class Association and past participation in Championship
        4. Past interest of in the Class membership, geographic dispersion of fleets, and overall
        advancement of the Ensign Class Association.
        5. CONTESTANTS:
        Any Ensign Class Association fleet in good standing has the right to select or hold a
        competition for representatives in the Championship.
        6. ELIGIBILITY:
        A. Under the terms of these National Championship Rules, the helmsman of each
        competing yacht is considered to be the contestant. The helmsman is defined as the
        person who must steer the boat at the start and on each windward leg, but who at any time
        may be relieved for emergency situations.
        B. All contestants must be:
        1. An Ensign owner, co-owner, charterer or co-charterer, or the son, daughter, brother,
        sister, spouse or parent thereof, or a person who sails an Ensign in an organized sailing
        program.  Co-ownership must be documented and available for inspection.
        2. A paid-up member of the Ensign Class Association.
        3. A member of an Ensign fleet in good standing.  Ensign owners who reside more than fifty
        miles from an established fleet may petition for an exemption.
        C. A charterer is defined as one who has complete control of the vessel for a period of at
        least three months.  This charter is to be evidenced by an agreement in writing.  In order for
        the charterer to be eligible to compete, the charter must be entered into by July 1st.
        D. Contestants may charter or borrow a yacht during the Regatta, but must use their own
        E. No contestant may enter or use more than one yacht during the Regatta, except if the
        entered yacht shall have suffered severe damage. The consent of the Judges must be
        obtained before another yacht may be substituted.
        F. Up to two qualified contestants may register as co-contestants on one yacht. Each must
        meet the requirements set forth in 6. B. and both must also observe the following
        1. Their intent to be co-contestants must be provided to the host fleet in writing prior to the
        close of registration for the National Regatta. At that time, the helmsman for each race
        must be identified on a schedule that alternates them as helmsmen in successive races
        including any tune-up races. This schedule may not be altered except as provided in F.3.
        2. In the event a race is postponed, abandoned or canceled, the contestant scheduled as
        helmsman for that race shall be helmsman for the next race, and the alternating schedule
        shall be adjusted accordingly.
        3. Permission for any co-contestant substitution after the close of registration must be
        obtained in advance of such substitution from the Championship Committee and such
        permission shall be denied if the Committee concludes that unfair advantage is gained
        thereby or that the substitution is not an absolute necessity.

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