Page 107 - ECA Yearbook 2023
P. 107

PART IV. Regional Championship Rules
        1. PURPOSE: The purpose of the Regional Championship Regattas of the Ensign Class
        Association is to determine the Regional Champion of the respective Regions and to offer
        an alternative method of qualifying for the National Championship Regatta.
        2. ORGANIZATION: Each Regatta shall be organized and administered by a Regional
        Championship Committee. The Committee shall consist of the Vice Commodore-Regional
        Affairs, the Regional Commander and a host fleet chairperson or their delegate. The
        Committee shall also include at least two subcommittees or their equivalent, Judges and
        Race Committee.
        3. TROPHIES:
        A. Each Region shall have its own perpetual Championship trophy.
        B. The perpetual trophies shall remain the property of the Association and will be awarded
        to the Regional Champion each year and remain in their possession until awarded to the
        C. The number of other trophies to be awarded at the Championship shall be left to the
        discretion of the host fleet.
        4. SITE AND TIME:
        A. The location and time of each Regional Championship Regatta can vary from region to
        region. The Vice Commodore-Regional Affairs, the Regional Commander, and the
        chairperson from a host fleet will determine the location and date of the Regatta. The
        announcement of each Championship shall preferably be made at the Ensign Class
        Association Annual Meeting.
        B. The Regional Championship will be sailed in waters of a host fleet. The same location
        shall not be sailed in for two consecutive years.
        C. The selection of a site shall be based on the ability of the host fleet to run a regatta of
        high quality and size to attract the largest number of entrants.
        5. CONTESTANTS:
        A. Each region may select the manner in which contestants are allowed to participate.
        B. Contestants from fleets outside the region in which the Regional Championship is held
        may be invited to participate.

        6. ELIGIBILITY:
        A. Eligibility shall be governed by Part III, Rule 6 of the National Championship Rules.
        B. The Treasurer of Ensign Class Association and the Regional Commander, prior to the
        Regional Championship, shall resolve questions of membership.

        7. BOATS AND SAILS:
        A. All boats and sails must conform to Part II of the Ensign Class Association Rules. Any
        boat not conforming shall be disqualified.
        B. The manner in which boat and sail inspection shall be conducted shall be left to the
        discretion of the host fleet.
        C. Unless otherwise specified in the sailing instructions, there will be no restrictions on
        headsails and then only if it was communicated in the Notice of Race.
        8. RACES AND RULES:
        A. The number of races to be sailed shall be determined by the Regional Championship
        Committee. This includes the number of races required for a throwout, but not less than
        B. Rules of Part III Rule 9 B, C and D are the same for the Regional Championships.
        9. COURSES:
        A. Courses shall be as free as possible from headlands, shoals, obstructions, aids to
        navigation or serious tidal currents.
        B. Courses shall be windward leeward, triangular, Olympic, modified Olympic, Gold Cup, or
        modified Gold Cup patterns. Courses shall be laid out so as to have marks left to port if
        possible. Leeward starts should be avoided.

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