Page 134 - ECA Yearbook 2023
P. 134

the most people how to sail an Ensign”. Merle Hallett was awarded the
        Spirit award posthumously for “Ensign Support”.
        Boat Donation – Zeke Durica
        A discussion of the program was held.  No current boat donations are in
        the works.
        Youth Sponsorship Program (YSP) – Elizabeth Brinklow
        Elizabeth reviewed the YSP report. One request for a grant was received
        and approved in 2022.

                                 Other Business

        Bob Conkey Fleet 29 and owner of Ensign Spars reported that supply
        chain issues are improving and that inventory is becoming available.
        There was discussion on where to fabricate some parts.

        Mike Bass, Fleet 70 and 2023 Nationals Regatta Chair provided a report
        on preparations for 2023 Ensign Nationals in Pentwater MI.  Looks like a
        fantastic event is coming up.

        Future Ensign Nationals locations:
        2024   Niantic, CT
        2025   Cleveland, OH
        2026   Toms River, NJ
                               Election of Officers

        The slate of officers for 2023 – 2024 was presented by the nominating
        committee and was unanimously approved.
               Commodore                           Bud Brown
               Vice Commodore - Publicity          Dave Willner
               Vice Commodore - Regional Affairs   Anna Gorbold
               Vice Commodore - Rules              Stephen Heinzelman
               Secretary                           Robin Durrschmidt
               Treasurer                           Kay Snider

        Robin Durrschmidt moved to adjourn the meeting, Eric Jones seconded,
        motion carried.

        Meeting Minutes submitted by:  Robin Durrschmidt

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