Page 24 - ECA Yearbook 2023
P. 24

Race 5.  In both races, Robin Durrschmidt in Magic took second, and
        started to look like a serious contender for a Top 5 finish.  Well done!

        Wednesday brought a light Northeasterly, and after sitting around at
        anchor for two hours, the RC decided to wait ashore.  Northeasterlies at
        Nyack do one of three things, randomly:  they shift hard right, hard left, or
        disappear altogether.  This one did the latter.  After lunch the southerly
        sea breeze started to fill in, and when it looked reasonably steady, we
        went back out to race.  The course the RC set was SE, and the wind was
        apparently not done shifting south, so at the start the boat was heavily
        favored.  Since only one boat was over early, the PRO decided to let the
        scene play out.  Lorelei won the pole position and went on to win the
        Race 6.  Second went to Questar, who wisely set up for a mid-line start
        away from the chaos.

        Thursday saw the Northeasterly persist, and we got off the last two
        races.  Holes and local shifts dominated these races, and Can Am took
        both in hotly contested races.  Magic took another second in Race 6,
        with local boat and host Jon Simpson and crew in Elan third, his best
        finish to date.  Lorelei was second in Race 7, but it was too little too late.
        With two wins on the final day, Greg Eiffert sealed his 5th Ensign
        National Championship!

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