Page 93 - 2024-eca-yearbook-final
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5. Phone numbers (home, work, FAX)
        6. E-mail address
        7. Class tax deductible donation
        8. Other information as may be requested
        F. Dues notices should be mailed by the Executive Secretary or Treasurer at the first of the
        G. After initial dues collection efforts by the fleets, the Executive Secretary will conduct
        follow-up national dues collection directly, keeping fleets informed periodically of the
        A. The powers of the Association shall be vested in and administered by a Governing
        Committee, consisting of the six (6) elected officers as listed below and the immediate
        former Officers.
        B. The six officers shall be elected at an Annual Meeting for a two-year term.
        C. The Governing Committee shall uphold the Association rules, grant or revoke fleet
        charters, sanction or ban Ensign races, fill vacancies in office, conduct all business and
        determine the policies of the Association.
        D. The current Officers shall each have one vote. The immediate former Officers, called the
        National Advisory Committee, shall have one vote as a group, determined by the simple
        majority of such Former Officers voting. If their votes were tied aye and nay, there is no
        resulting "one vote." If only one immediate former Officer votes, that Officer's vote shall be
        counted as the "one vote" of the National Advisory Committee.
        E. An affirmative vote of four of the seven votes of the Governing Committee shall decide
        all questions.
        F. Elected Officers and their Duties:
        1. Commodore: The Commodore shall preside at meetings, shall rule on procedure and
        appoint special committees, and shall be empowered to call meetings.
        2. Vice Commodore-Regional Affairs: The Vice Commodore-Regional Affairs shall, through
        appointed correspondents, communicate with an appointee in each of the various fleets, in
        order to reflect the fleet's views at Governing Committee meetings, and shall also be
        responsible for the promotion of Ensign activity on the inter-fleet level.
        3. Vice Commodore-Rules: The Vice Commodore-Rules, shall with the aid of the Rules
        Committee, respond to all questions relative to eligibility of boats and equipment, interpret
        the rules and specifications, and recommend to the Governing Committee any advisable
        alterations or additions to the class rules.
        4. Vice Commodore-Publicity: The Vice Commodore-Publicity shall be responsible for
        public relations and advertising of the Association, and shall act as class liaison with the
        interested public.
        5. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes and write national bulletins to the
        membership and shall be responsible for corresponding with members.
        6. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall deposit all funds, keep financial records, make necessary
        disbursements and maintain the membership and mailing lists.
        G. Appointed Officers and Their Duties
        1. Rear Commodore – Editor: The Rear Commodore-Editor shall publish the Ensign Class
        Newsletter and/or the Ensign Class Yearbook.
        2. Rear Commodore – Boat List: The Rear Commodore-Boat List shall be responsible for
        advertising the availability of Ensigns on the market.
        3. Rear Commodore – Webmaster: The Rear Commodore-Webmaster shall be responsible
        for maintaining the Ensign Class Association Website.
        The Commodore with approval of the Governing Board appoints the above officers
        annually. These officers have a non-voting status relative to the Governing Board.
        9. COMMITTEES:
        A. THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Shall consist of three members, each from a different
        fleet, appointed by the Commodore at an Annual Meeting, which committee shall nominate
        the Officers for the following term.
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