Page 15 - DSL Generic Sponsor Safety Partner Program Booklet D1
P. 15
This Could Be You” Video Program Impact
Students earn community service hours by watching this 22-minute video and filling out the
homework questions, which shows teenagers in jail due to impaired driving. Right now, we are
in drivers ed classes and we want to move it to charter, private schools and other classes
besides drivers ed, in all schools to the entire student population.
This program will approximately Impact 1,000,000 students, which is 50% of total Florida State
middle and high school students of public, charter and private schools. Video will be shown
during classes and school assemblies throughout the year.
Dori Saves Lives This Could Be You video partners will have their logo
prominently displayed on the video, school handout cards and social media
posts. Additionally, This Could Be You video partners can participate in on
location and virtual school assemblies.