Page 4 - DSL School Zone Safety Partner Program Booklet
P. 4
Here are a few benefits of School Zone signs for your business:
1. Builds Immediate Brand Awareness: Unlike print, television or radio
advertising that run multiple ads in sequence, outdoor advertising
offers advertisers the opportunity to reach a captive audience with an
exclusive, uncluttered message.
2. Media Mix Reinforcement: As a rule of advertising, the average
consumer needs to see something at least 10 times before they take a
call to action. School Zone sign advertising enables companies to
complement their investment in digital, print and radio with a
consistent marketing message that will be viewed multiple times
and can reach a Geo targeted audience.
3. Outdoor Advertising Has a High Impact:
You cannot switch off a billboard or a taxi ad or something displayed on
a phone booth, can you?
One of the many advantages of School Zone advertising is that it does
not need to be invited in by the user as is the case with other mediums.
Consumers have no choice but to view their message. This means that
School Zone sign advertising will have a higher impact time on the
consumer as compared to other mediums.
Dori Saves Lives goal is to educate Florida residents about the dangers
of distracted driving in School Zones, and to remind every driver to
put the phone down, go hands free only and obey the new law.