Page 22 - Report - IEKHS Hurricane IRMARIA IMPACT_Neat (Accreditation)
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JROTC is a stellar program that sets the tone for the school. Annually, this program serves over
250 cadets per year. Though the damages sustained in this area are cosmetic; losing the covering
over the porch is negative towards its use. Cadets use the area for shading after conducting an
activity in the sun. They use the area for studying; and more importantly, for battalion
training and small competitions even if it is “pushups”. This area is a sanctuary for the cadets to
include them having lunch and have certainly made a difference for the days when there were
no covering. Cadets feel safe and consider it a place to call home.
Extra special thank you go out to the following stakeholders:
1) Ivanna Eudora Kean Administrators—especially Lt. Colonel Sally F. Petty
2) Ivanna Eudora Kean Faculty, Staff , Students —especially JROTC Cadets, and Parents;
3) Ivanna Eudora Kean Alumni of various Classes;
4) Red Hook Community;
5) Rotary East — spearheaded by Tim Hall; American Yacht Harbor, Auven Therapeutics, and
Westin Resort in St. John;
6) Several units of the local V.I. National Guard, a unit from Puerto Rico and units combined
from the mainland; and
7) Department of Education.
No matter the contribution, there were strong bonds formed. Our Virgin Islands Community came
together for one common goal. We achieved it! Go RAYS!
IEKHS JROTC Department: JROTC SURROUNDINGS On the Western Side Of The Campus