Page 23 - Report - IEKHS Hurricane IRMARIA IMPACT_Neat (Accreditation)
P. 23

Areas fixed this summer in July, August and September of 2020, for COVID-19 6 ft. spacing .   IEKHS REBUILDING PHASE

          631st Engineer Detachment
            Captain Jahmel Leonard: Commander

               Annual Training, July 2020 @                      Ivanna Eudora Kean High School

          Staff Sergeant Rendell Thomas: Supervisor (Electrician)

          Staff Sergeant Akeed Fahie: Assistant Supervisor
          Sergeant Lindon Dagou: Electrician
          Sergeant Idris Brice: Electrician

          Sergeant Denby Dumas: Electrician*  Deceased
          Specialist Nia David: Electrician
          Specialist Yvette Ferdinand: Electrician
          Specialist Shawn Dowe: Electrician

          Specialist Juan Gil: Electrician                                                                           IEKHS REBUILDING Phase: : Heartfelt thank you the National Guard Unit!
          Specialist Donny Daniel: Heavy Equipment Operators

          Specialist Shun Greenaway: Heavy Equipment Operators
          Specialist Aaron George: Carpenter
          Specialist Naushad Eusebe: Mechanic
          Staff Sergeant Devon Tyson: Operations Sergeant

          Section Sergeant Caroline Pickering: Carpenter

          Colonel Sally F. Petty

          Extra special Kudos to the National Guard Engineeri Detachment unit.  You have done the stu-

          dents of the Virgin Islands a service that sings our praises.  Since two Cat 5 Hurricanes, Irma
          and Maria passed through the Virgin Islands in 2017,  three years later, we can finally get the

          use of the room to accommodate social distancing as a COVID Ready Study Hall.  This was

          done in about one week and a half and for that, our hearts fill with joy in exhilaration.  Again,
          thank you!  The RAYS’ Family will forever be grateful!

                                   Alicia Leerdam, Acting Principal, IEKHS

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