Page 4 - Report - IEKHS Hurricane IRMARIA IMPACT_Neat (Accreditation)
P. 4
Second floor on the western end. This room
served as the Hospitality & Tourism Class
and still had the READ 180 Computer Lab
set-up. Because of the destruction of the
roof, 223C needs to be condemned at this
time. Similarly, adjacent rooms suffered
similar damages: Rooms 223A (JAG), 223B
(CT&E Office) and 221 (Architecture and
Drafting). Naturally, the classrooms
affected were those directly beneath: Rooms
121 and 123 that belong to the Music
Department Band Room (See pages ____).
Please note: The indoor pictures of room
223C roof were taken from room 223A on
09/15/17, and not from the actual room it-
IEKHS CT&E Department: Room 223C HOSPITALITY & TOURISM, READ 180 LAB (Total Loss)