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HP QuickTest Professional 11.00 Product Availability Matrix  Date: 1 October 2010

                                 QuickTest Professional Web Services Add-in
                                                                                         Support Information
            Layer                  Product / Standard                Version
                                   Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 WSE  2.0 SP3                  Yes
                                   Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 WSE  3                        Yes
                                   Apache Axis                       1.X                      Yes
                                   WebSphere                                                  No

                                                                                        Yes (when using Apache
                                                                     1.4.x                    Axis)
                                   Sun JDK or JRE
            Other                                                                       Yes (when using Apache
                                                                     1.5.x-                   Axis)

                                   WS-I Interoperability Testing Tools
                                                                                        Yes (for validating WSDL
                                                                     1.1                   interoperability)

            Attachments                                                                 Yes (When using Apache
                                   DIME                                                       Yes
            WSDL                   WSDL                                                       Yes
                                   HTTP                                                       Yes
            WSDL Resource
                                   XML File                                                   Yes
                                   X.509 Certificate                                     Yes (when using .NET

                                   SSL3.0/PCT1 Protocol                                  Yes (when using .NET
                                   User Name & Password Credential                       Yes (when using .NET

                                   Network Credential
                                                                                       Yes(when using .NET toolkit)

            1 1
             Requires QuickTest patch
             Requires QuickTest patch
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            © Copyright 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
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