Page 33 - 双页模式模板
P. 33

HP QuickTest Professional 11.00 Product Availability Matrix Appendix

                             HP Product Integrations
                             For improved performance when running test sets remotely from the
                             Quality Center Test Lab module, ensure that you are using the latest
                             Quality Center patch.

                             .NET Add-in
                             ➤ The QuickTest Professional .NET Add-in supports testing WPF controls
                               inherited directly or indirectly from the
                               System.Windows.Controls.Control class regardless of which language was
                               used to create the application (for example, VisualBasic.NET, C#, and so
                               forth), as well as third-party WPF controls that are inherited from the
                               System.Windows.Controls.Control class and implement automation
                               interfaces when the WPF Add-in is loaded.
                             ➤ The QuickTest Professional .NET Add-in supports:

                                ➤ Testing standard .NET Windows Forms controls from the
                                  System.Windows.Forms library.

                                ➤ Testing third-party .NET Windows Forms controls that are inherited
                                  from System.Windows.Forms.Control class.

                             ➤ In addition to the controls listed in the HP QuickTest Professional 11.00
                               Product Availability Matrix, custom-built QuickTest Professional support for
                               a variety of Infragistics .NET Windows Forms controls is provided out-of-
                               the-box by Infragistics TestAdvantage. For more information, refer to:

                             ➤ To view the full type name of a .NET Windows Forms object in your
                               application, view the SwfTypeName identification property in the Object
                               You can also view a list of the base types of a selected object by running a
                               statement using the following syntax:

                               MsgBox SwfTestObj(descr).GetROProperty("SwfTypeNames")

                               where SwfTestObj(descr) is the test object you want to check.

                               Running this statement causes a message box to open displaying the
                               actual class at the top of the list and the base classes below it.


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