Page 4 - Hanford Chamber Memberhsip Packet
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Relocation Packages
Visitors and those looking to relocate needing information
on the marketplace, we provide Relocation Packages that
includes the Chamber Directory, Visitors Guide and County
Member Mailing List
Utilizing the Chamber mailing list is an effective way to
send out any large mailing to area businesses.
Member Database
Sent via email, this mailing list includes the primary con-
tact for the member business, company name, and ad-
Certificates of Origin
The Certificate of Origin is a document certifying the coun-
try in which the product was manufactured, and in certain
cases may include such information as the local material
and labor contents of the product. The purpose of the Cer-
tificate of Origin is to authenticate the country of origin of
the merchandise being shipped.
Display Center
Benefits Display your organization’s brochure, business cards and
other marketing materials at the Chamber office.
Member to Member Discounts
Member to Member Discounts allow you to receive
Networking Opportunities discounts when you do business with fellow Chamber
Your participation in committee activities gives you and members.
your business exposure to the community and the oppor- E-Blast
tunity to network with other Chamber members during The Chamber wants to help you put your business in the
our monthly mixers. spotlight. The "Weekly E-Blast" sends out your event, good
news or promotion to Chamber Members.
Informational Workshops
Members receive access to business related workshops. Business Counseling
The Small Business Development Center provides free ser-
Ribbon Cuttings/Grand Openings vices including, but are not limited to, assisting small busi-
Our Chamber provides each member free publicity nesses with financial, marketing, production, organization,
regarding the formal opening of their facilities. engineering and technical problems and feasibility studies.
Membership Referrals The Ambassadors Team
The most important benefit of membership in the Ambassadors are the “Good Will” group of professionals,
Chamber is referrals by the Chamber office. interested in making contacts with new and existing busi-
nesses in the community, and networking with chamber
Plaque members.
Each member of our Chamber receives a plaque letting
your customers and clients know that your business is a
contributor to the community.
Membership Directory
An annual publication where members are listed Additional
categorically and alphabetically in the booklet. Benefits
Monthly Newsletter
Each member receives a Chamber E-newsletter promot-
ing activities each month. You can advertise your busi-
ness by placing an insert in the newsletter. Social Media Promotions Candidate Training Seminars
HR Compliance Posters Chamber Master Access
Chamber Website
Each member is listed in the Membership Roster of the HR & Legislative Updates Chamber Master Training
Chamber website with a link EDD Updates & Workshops Member to Member Support
to the members website. SBA/SBDC Workshops