Page 5 - Hanford Chamber Memberhsip Packet
P. 5

Hanford Chamber of Commerce
                                                    113 Court Street Suite 104
                                                       Hanford, CA 93230
                                                (559) 582-0483 fax: (559) 582-0960


                                                 Membership Application
               Business Name:_______________________________________________________________________
               Contact Person:______________________________________ Title:_____________________________
               Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________
               Physical Address:______________________________________________________________________
               Phone:_____________________________________________ Fax:______________________________
               Email:_____________________________________________ Website:___________________________

               Please write a description/bio of your business/services:

               Please list your business/service categories for Directory & Website:

               Benefits & Networking Opportunities Offered….Please check areas of interest for your business.


                ◊  Monthly Flyer Service                                           Referrals   ◊  Monthly Luncheons
                ◊  Membership Directory            ◊  E-Blast                         ◊  Monthly Mixers
                ◊  Relocation Packages             ◊  Display Center                  ◊  Business Workshops
                ◊  Member Mailing List             ◊  Chamber Website                 ◊  Ribbon Cuttings

             Method of payment:      Annual___    Semi___   Quarterly___   Monthly___

             Check___    Cash___    Visa___    American Express___    MC___        Membership Investment $________

             Name od Card_________________________________________  Exp Date __________________________

             Card # _______________________________________________

             Signature _____________________________________________ Date _____________________________

             Amount Enclosed $________

               *Once application is accepted and processed you will receive a confirmation with renewal information
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