Page 3 - Hanford Chamber of Commerce: Small Business Startup Toolkit
P. 3


                                                                      Welcome and thank you for your interest in
                                                                      developing a small business in the wonderful
                                                                      City of Hanford. Small business is the backbone
                                                                      of America's economy. The following pages
                                                                      contain basic information intended to help
                                                                      individuals contemplating starting a small busi-
                                                                      ness in the surrounding areas.

                                                                      The Hanford Chamber of Commerce is a
                                                                      non-pro t organization that’s mission is to
                                                                      promote and encourage a balanced business for
                                                                      those in our community.  We believe that starts
                                                                      with educating entrepreneurs with the necessary
                                                                      steps taken in accordance with our City and
                                                                      County guidelines.  Our o ce strives to be a
                                                                      useful resource in the beginning stages of devel-
                                                                      oping your business and continues to serve you
                                                                      through becoming a chamber member.
      Amory R. Marple

      EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CEO                                          The Hanford Chamber of Commerce has also
                                                                      partnered with Valley Community SBDC to
      HANFORD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE                                     provide valuable counseling assistance designed
                                                                      to cater to your concerns during the develop-
                                                                      mental stage of your business concept and as
                                                                      well as to established businesses as they grow.

                                                                      By working closely with our key partners, the City
                                                                      of Hanford, the Kings County Community Devel-
                                                                      opment Agency, and the Kings County Economic
                                                                      Development Center we will continue to help our
                                                                      community be a leading example for small
                                                                      businesses growth.

                                                                      The toolkit also includes resources from our
                                                                      current members as one of our bene ts is
                                                                      member to member referrals and discounts.
                                                                      These local businesses are family owned and
                                                                      provide additional services that can assist you
                                                                      further in your business start up. We highly
                                                                      encourage you to shop local for all your business

                                                                      We wish you success in the planning and devel-
                                                                      opment of your business and invite you to call on
                                                                      us if we may be of further assistance.
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