Page 8 - Hanford Chamber of Commerce: Small Business Startup Toolkit
P. 8

Fictitious Business Name

         If your business requires a Fictitious Business Name (FBN) you can  le with the Clerk Recorder’s O ce one of
         two ways: by mail or going in to the Kings County o ce.  If you choose to send the application by mail you
         will need to download the form and send it, along with payment, and an A davit of Identity.  If applying in
         person the application must be  lled out online and no a davit of identity is necessary.  If you do not have
         access to a computer privately there are computers available to you in the county o ce.  Once the online
         application has been submitted an owner/member/o cer must go in to the o ce to sign and pay to com-
         plete the process.

                 ONLINE APPLICATION

               MAIL-IN APPLICATION


        Current fees, payable by cash, check or money order:
        First Business Name and One Owner - $12.85
        Each additional Business Name or Owner - $3.60

        If further assistance is needed regarding the  ling of your Fictitious Business Name please contact the Kings
        County Clerk/Recorder O ce at the Kings County Government Center, 1400 W. Lacey Blvd., Hanford, CA.
        93230, by scheduling an appointment at (559) 852-2470.  They can also be contacted via email at Cler-
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