Page 3 - Phyllis Browning Land & Ranch
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Powerful Strategies

                         Like a pair of custom-made boots, our properties and services are distinguished by

                        quality, attention to detail and flawless realization. We establish and maintain strong
                           client relationships that influence every aspect of our work, including powerful
                          marketing strategies offered exclusively by Phyllis Browning Land and Ranch Co.

              WE GET THE WORD OUT

              We employ a full-time marketing director                 •  property-specific, custom-designed print
              and staff. This talented team launches multi-             materials, including brochures, direct mail

              level marketing programs to reach local,                  vehicles, and regional communications
              regional, national and international markets.
                                                                       •  full digital campaigns beginning with
              Programs include:
                                                                        prominent listings on our website/mobile
              •  compelling, well-designed advertising in high-         app and extending to eFlyers, spectacular

                profile magazines, periodicals and newspapers.          virtual tours, global connectivity to our
                                                                        national and international affiliates, and
              •  our own magazine reaches
                                                                        of course, all relevant social media
                a targeted audience

                                                                            PRIDE OF PLACE. THE PHRASE IS
                                                                          DEFINED AS “THE MOST OUTSTANDING

                                                                           OR PROMINENT POSITION; FIRST
                                                                           PLACE.” THE WORDS DESCRIBE OUR

                                                                             DETERMINATION TO PROVIDE
                                                                          SERVICE WE CAN BE PROUD OF AND

                                                                             IT APPLIES EQUALLY WELL TO
                                                                           THE QUALITY OF THE TEXAS LAND

                                                                                   WE BUY AND SELL.
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