Page 4 - Phyllis Browning Land & Ranch
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Looking Good

                         Photos sell property, but only if the images are the best. Our photographers have
                       been shooting for years and know what sells — dawn or evening light, peak seasonal
                           timing, and vantage points that accentuate the best aspects of the property.


              In our business, connections are everything.
              Local relationships give us valuable insight into

              the immediate market, while our international
              affiliations make us global players. This is
              especially important as Texas becomes a top
              U.S. destination for buyers from Mexico, Latin

              America and the Caribbean.

              •  Leading Real Estate Companies of the
                                                                              WE’D LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU
               World (Leading RE)
                                                                        WE LOOK FORWARD TO SHARING OUR KNOW-
              •  Luxury Portfolio International
                                                                        LEDGE OF TEXAS LAND AND THE BEST WAYS TO
                                                                        BUY AND SELL IT. WE STAND READY TO SERVE
                                                                        YOUR INTERESTS WITH PROFESSIONALISM,
                                                                                  CANDOR AND INTEGRITY.

                    210-805-3616                         WWW.PHYLLISBROWNINGLANDANDRANCH.COM                                                                                          PRIDE OF PLACE
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