Page 7 - The Essentials
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        GROWTH, MOMENTUM &                   COMPETITIVE COST OF                  WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
        DIVERSITY                            DOING BUSINESS & LIVING              & TALENT PIPELINE
        •  Tier 1 Research University        •  No State Personal or Corporate    •  6% Labor Force Growth Projected
        •  $142 Billion Gross Regional         Income Tax                           (2020-2025)
          Product (2021)                     •  Cost of Living Index: 92.2        •  16 Universities & Colleges
        •  Majority-Minority Community       •  Median Price of a Home in MSA:      Totaling 160,000 students
          with 56% Hispanic Population         $350K (Q1 2022)                    •  Home to Tier 1 Research

        •  Industry Diversity                •  Affordable Real Estate, Land,       University The University of Texas
                                               Energy and Water                     at San Antonio
                                                                                  •  32,000 Post-Secondary
                                                                                    Completions (2020)


              Our people are our greatest asset. Demographically, SATX represents the future of the State and
              the Country. We are 56% Hispanic today with diverse growth projected to continue. By 2030, we
              will add another 500K residents, 67% of whom will be Hispanic. San Antonio also leads the nation

              in first-generation college graduates.


              Today SATX is a top 25 metro located in the most dynamic employment corridor in the country

              experiencing explosive population growth. The San Antonio Austin corridor SA-ATX) is one of the
              next mega-regional opportunities in the U.S. for commercial growth. What makes SA-ATX different,
              is our potential for social growth as well. We recognize the need to strengthen and improve our

              community in a people-centric way.


              We are driving economic mobility across genders, races, ages, national origins, sexual orientations
              and cultures by targeting quality jobs provided by reputable companies. Local CEOs recently
              mobilized the Corporate Partnership for Racial Equity and will invest millions in advancing this
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