Page 54 - HBG 2019-watermarked
P. 54

Lakewood Living: Development or Private Home

        For  many  prospective  Lakewood  homeowners,  this  is  the  million-dollar
        question. Developments are convenient and  often cost-effective, and the
        houses are  well-designed for frum families.  They also provide an instant
        social life for you and your family. Private homes can be more costly, are often
        older, and generally do not have amenities designed for frum living. On the
        upside, these homes often provide more privacy and outdoor space that you
        can call your own. How do you choose between the two options?
        Here are some questions that you can ask yourself to help you decide which
        style better suits your personality.
        ‹   Do you crave a unique home, or do you love that easy and convenient
           layout and don’t care  that  your house is identical  to  those of  your

        ‹   Are you a private person or more sociable? Will it bother you if all the
           outdoor space you have access to is communal, or will you love the built-
           in social life?
        ‹   Do  you have small children? Developments offer easy access  to a
           communal  playground  and  built-in  friends  for your  kids.  But  if you  are

                         Sharon Stone
                            of Lakewood

                                       TILES •
                                        • PORCELAIN

                Countertops            CERAMIC •
                    Granite                  • MARBLE
                    Quartz             QUARTZ •

                                              • MOSAIC

                                 1151 River Ave
                             Lakewood, NJ 08701
                       w w w .shar ons t onegr anit e .net

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