Page 101 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 101

July 19 & 20
               PROGRAM NOTES

                Sir Edward Elgar

                Cockaigne, Op. 40, “In London Town”

               AT A GLANCE

               Born: 1857
               Died: 1934
               Date of Composition: 1901
               Instrumentation: Cockaigne is
               scored for 2 flutes (2  doubling
               piccolo), 2 oboes, 2 clarinets,
               2 bassoons, contrabassoon,
               4 horns, 2 trumpets, 2 cornets,
               3 trombones, tuba, percussion,
               timpani, strings and optional organ.

               Don’t believe everything you see.
               How easy it is to be misled by
               photographs of Sir Edward Elgar,
               by the handlebar moustache
               and the slicked-back hair and
               the tweedy jackets. Images
               arise of stuffy Edwardian gents
               clutching their pipes while
               bawling out patriotic paeans to
               king and empire. After all, Elgar
               wrote the tune that became Land
               of Hope and Glory. All that’s
               lacking is a Union Jack fluttering
               in the background.
               But it’s a bum rap. Edward Elgar
               may have looked the part, but
               actually he was a misfit, distinctly            Sir Edward Elgar — Wikipedia
               out of sync with his own time and
               place. British composers of his
               generation were typically born
               to leisure; Elgar’s father was a   Catholic. British composers    Enigma Variations. He was an
               shopkeeper and Edward taught     taught at the Royal Academy      enthusiastic amateur scientist,
               violin to pay the rent. British   of Music; Elgar did not. British    devoted husband and friend, and
               composers went to Oxford or      composers were clubby            something of a depressive whose
               Cambridge and then the Leipzig   Londoners; Elgar couldn’t stand   darker moods got the upper
               Conservatory of Music; Elgar     the place and preferred a quiet    hand at times.
               could not and did not. British   life in rural Worcester with his   And yet it was Sir Edward Elgar
               composers nodded to each other   wife Alice and their circle of   who gave us a brawling, roiling
               over their local Church of England    friends—many of whom he     and rollicking portrait of London
               pews; Elgar was staunchly        immortalized in his glorious     in his concert overture Cockaigne,

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