Page 103 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 103

July 19 & 20
               PROGRAM NOTES

               the same scrupulous attention
               to balance that Dvořák so
               successfully applied to his Cello
               Concerto. Ace commentator Sir
               Donald Francis Tovey noted that
               “any concerto for viola must be
               a tour de force; but this seems
               to me to be one of the most
               important modern concertos for
               any instrument, and I can see no
               limits to what may be expected of
               the tone-poet who could create
               it.” Walton maintained a superb
               acoustic balance without unduly
               muzzling the orchestra, and he
               did so without actually playing the
               viola himself. But such technical
               issues are peripheral. What really
               matters is that the Walton Viola
               Concerto is an enticing concoction
               of melancholy, lyricism and
               irrepressible high spirits.
               The concerto can be described
               as “back-loaded,” meaning that
               much of its emotional weight is
               reserved for its third-movement
               finale, which is about as long as
               the first two movements combined.
               That said, the opening Andante                  Ralph Vaughan Williams — Wikipedia
               comodo could stand alone as
               a pensive lyrical fantasy or
               rhapsody, characterized by
               shifting major-minor duality and
               correspondingly shifting moods.   Ralph Vaughan Williams
               What follows is a delirious tour   Symphony No. 5 in D Major
               de force of a scherzo movement,
               athletic and joyous. (Discrete
               toe-tapping may prove irresistible.)   AT A GLANCE                The oft-encountered bromide
               The duality of the opening                                        that English music doesn’t export
               movement returns in full force in   Born: 1872                    well is nowhere more apparent
               the extended Allegro moderato    Died: 1958                       than in the scarcity of the
               finale, in which belligerence    Date of Composition: 1943        Vaughan Williams symphonies in
               contends with gentleness,                                         American concert halls. Why this
               extroversion with introspection.   Instrumentation: Symphony No. 5    should be so is both a mystery
                                                in D Major is scored for 2 flutes
               But this is a viola concerto—so    nd                             and a crying shame. After all,
               heartfelt lyricism wins out in    (2  doubling piccolo), oboe,    there’s nothing about them
                                                English horn, 2 clarinets,
               the end.                                                          that precludes a non-English
                                                2 bassoons, 2 horns, 2 trumpets,    audience’s appreciation,
                                                3 trombones, timpani and strings.  understanding or affection. Each

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