Page 140 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 140

August 2 & 3                                                                      PROGRAM NOTES

            Symphony No. 2 in                a series of revisions the new    “logical” composer, always made
            D Major, Op. 43                  symphony was finally ready for its   his argument clear: if a Brahms
                                             premiere, which duly took place   work states something baldly at
            continued                        on March 8, 1902 in Helsinki to   its beginning, that something is
                                             enthusiastic acclaim. Exposure   almost certainly the main idea
            caroused, he borrowed. He seems   beyond Finland followed—Berlin,   that’s to be explored. The opening
            to have been something of a born   Stockholm and Boston all heard   of the Brahms Fourth Symphony
            party animal. In 1891 his mother,   the work early on, and most    provides a textbook example, as
            fed up with a lack of letters from   listeners loved it. But not everybody.    its falling third is quickly revealed
            her ditzy son in Vienna and      American critic-composer Virgil   to be the source of much that
            fearing the worst, sent him a    Thomson condemned it as          follows. (Leonard Bernstein once
            questionnaire containing a       “vulgar, self-indulgent and      demonstrated that to an audience
            systematic cross-examination     provincial beyond all description.”   of children, and they seemed to
            concerning his associates, his   (Odd comment, that, coming from   follow the process just fine.)
            habits and his diet. Jean, to his   one of America’s most decidedly
            credit, dutifully returned it filled   provincial composers.)     As in Brahms, thus in the Sibelius
            out (more or less) honestly.                                      Second, which opens with three
            Although by 1900 he was an       Thomson’s was the minority       notes, rising in step, carving out
            established composer, husband    report. Nowadays the Sibelius    the interval of a third: F sharp-G-A.
            and father, his old habits yet    Second belongs firmly at the core   That’s the seed. It grows in a
            persisted—particularly boozing it   of the late Romantic symphonic    multiplicity of ways, such as when
            up at every opportunity.         repertory, nestled securely      it flips itself over and becomes
                                             alongside its companions by      F sharp-E-D, the primary theme
            In June 1900 Sibelius received a   Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Elgar   of the first movement. It appears
            letter from Baron Axel Carpelan,    and Mahler. Apropos that last,   in guises both obvious and subtle
            an arts patron with a knack      there’s a story about Sibelius and   throughout the symphony,
            for fundraising: “It is time you   Mahler meeting, during which time   such as when it forms part of a
            travelled. You will spend the late   they shared their philosophies    luxuriant transitional theme in
            autumn and winter in Italy, a    of symphonic writing. For Mahler,   the first movement. Best of all,
            land where one can learn about   the symphony needed to embrace   that stepwise three-note motion
            cantabile, proportion and harmony,    all of life’s experiences. Sibelius,   becomes the noble theme of the
            the plastic arts and the symmetry   on the other hand, viewed it as    last movement: D-E-F sharp, the
            of lines, where everything is    an “exercise in profound logic.”   first movement’s primary theme
            beautiful—even that which is ugly.   That sounds convincing enough,   flipped upside down.
            After all, recall what Italy meant to   but for many people the idea of
            the development of Tchaikovsky   “profound logic” doesn’t make    Finally, in the very closing
            and to Richard Strauss.” Having   a lot of sense when applied to   moments of the symphony, that
            taken Carpelan up on his offer   music. What, precisely, could be   three-note idea acquires a fourth
            to cover the finances, by the late   “logical” about creating a piece    note: D-E-F sharp-G, which
            winter of 1901 Sibelius and his   of music?                       in context seems an almost
            family were living in a villa on the                              earthshattering culmination of
            Bay of Genoa. It’s there that he   The answer lies crafting the    everything that has come before.
            began working on what would      materials of a composition out   The Sibelius Second is expansive;
            become the Second Symphony.      of a few seed ideas that are then   its magisterial first movement is
                                             cultivated so as to grow and     followed by an enigmatic slow
            Gestation was not easy. “I have   develop. The “logic” resides in   movement, then a glittering
            been in the throes of a bitter   that development, that mining of   scherzo leads into a grand finale
            struggle with this symphony,”    an idea for its potentialities. But   of sweeping majesty. Its horizons
            Sibelius wrote Carpelan. “Now    such transformation needn’t be   are vast, but within all that
            the picture is clearer, and I am   thought of as esoteric or difficult    rhapsodic opulence there is
            proceeding under full sail.” After   to follow. Brahms, a fellow    indeed a core of profound logic.

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