Page 141 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 141

August 2 & 3
               PROGRAM NOTES

               We should keep in mind that in   the service of passion, affirmation
               1902 Finns were still Czarist    and ultimate triumph.
               subjects, consigned to the Duchy
               of Finland and positively seething
               with resentment over their
               subjugation. Thus we can hear    © 2024 Scott Fogelsong
               the Sibelius Second as a fervent
               statement of resistance—much
               as many heard it back in the
               day, and as is likely to resonate
               strongly for today’s listeners vis à
               vis Ukraine. But we can also bask
               in the symphony’s late Romantic
               sweep, its epic conception and
               meticulous craftsmanship that
               binds the four movements into a
               single compelling arc. Happily,
               we needn’t choose one approach
               over the other; we can hold
               both. The Sibelius Second is a
               symphony of both heart and
               mind, dedicating superb craft to

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