Page 153 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 153

August 9 & 10
               PROGRAM NOTES

                Melody Eötvös


               AT A GLANCE

               Born: 1984
               Date of Composition: 2022
               Instrumentation: Pyramidion
               is scored for 3 flutes (1 doubling
               piccolo), 3 oboes (1 doubling
               English horn), 3 clarinets
               (1 doubling bass clarinet),
               3 bassoons (1 doubling
               contrabassoon), 4 horns,
               3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba,
               timpani, percussion, piano,
               harp and strings.

               “Ancient Egyptian relics have
               always fascinated me,” writes
               Melody Eötvös, “and I find them
               ruthlessly inspiring.” Described
               by composer Steven Mackey as a
               composer of ancient music—old
               pagan flavors, but new in mindset
               and expression—Australian                       Melody Eötvös — Photo by Grant Heger
               composer Melody Eötvös found
               her inspiration for a short,
               seven-minute fanfare in an object   of the composition is to portray a   Eötvös in response to a question
               known as a pyramidion, which is   punchy, angular entity that feels   about music and the other senses.
               the small pyramid found atop     unified through the repetition   “I have been inspired by old
               a larger pyramid or obelisk.     and development of the opening   masters and new video when
               (There’s one at the top of the   motif,” she explains.            composing… I do see music
               Washington Monument.)            Eötvös reaches far, wide and deep   relating to the visual sense, and

               A pyramidion is small but plays   for her inspirations. Among those   the senses of smell and taste. It’s
               a critical role in the scheme of   is Renaissance music, especially    a sensory partnership!”
               things: it is the capstone that   the works of John Dowland. Her   But how much of that translates
               “brings the entire pyramid to    Hungarian ancestry plays an      to the actual act of composition?
               a point at the same angle and    important part, of course. Ancient   Eötvös herself doesn’t always
               proportions as the main body,”   music, literature, painting,     know. “When I’m writing a piece,
               says Eötvös. And in that         sculpture, architecture: she “seeks   it often ends up ‘writing itself,’
               statement comes the internal     the grain of sand in the oyster.”   so when I manage to create a
               engine that drives her 2022      Nor does she restrict herself to   moment in a work, whether it’s
               Pyramidion, written on a dual    aural influences. Everything is   powerful or triggers emotions,
               commission from the Sydney       grist for the mill. “There is no   I typically don’t go back and
               Symphony Orchestra and Grand     doubt that audio is powerful when   analyse how I did it.”
               Teton Music Festival. “The goal   combined with the visual,” says

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