Page 155 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 155

August 9 & 10
               PROGRAM NOTES

                Sergei Rachmaninoff

                Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18

                AT A GLANCE

               Born: 1873
               Died: 1943
               Date of Composition: 1901
               Instrumentation: Piano Concerto
               No. 2 in C minor is scored for
               2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets,
               2 bassoons, 4 horns, 2 trumpets,
               3 trombones, tuba, timpani,
               percussion, strings and solo piano.

               Sergei Rachmaninoff was what
               show business types call a triple
               threat: composer, pianist and
               conductor all in one—and utterly
               first-rate in all three. But triple
               just might have been duple. His
               protean gifts notwithstanding,
               Rachmaninoff suffered mightily
               from lapses in self-confidence,
               particularly where composition
               was concerned. He might have
               jettisoned his compositional
               ambitions altogether after the
               1897 premiere of his Symphony
               No. 1 in D minor, Op. 13. It was
               a debacle, as a shamefully
               incompetent performance under
               a reportedly drunken Alexander
               Glazunov had been followed
               by a communal lashing from                      Sergei Rachmaninoff
               Moscow critics. “If there were a
               Conservatory in Hell, and one
               of its students were to compose
               a symphony…” began one           and got him back on his          impetus, Piano Concerto No. 2
               particularly venomous review.    compositional feet. At least that’s   in C minor, Op. 18, completed in
                                                the standard story. According to   1900, was the happy result. For
               Three years of compositional     the testimony of some who were   once, life imitated a grade-B
               paralysis followed. Posterity owes   there at the time, it may not have   movie as Rachmaninoff arose
               a heartfelt shout-out to physician   been Dr. Dahl’s fine hypnotherapy   from his depression with a
               Nikolai Dahl, who treated        that did the trick so much as it   massive hit that has remained
               Rachmaninoff with daily          was Dr. Dahl’s fine, comely young   deeply popular from the get-go,
               hypnotherapy for three months    daughter. Whatever the actual    even in the face of several

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