Page 174 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
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August 16 & 17                                                                 ARTIST BIOGRAPHIES

                                                             The 2021-22 season brought three role debuts
                                                             at the Deutsche Oper Berlin: Gretel in Hänsel und
                                                             Gretel, Woglinde in Götterdämmerung and Musetta
                                                             in La bohème. The season also included repeat
                                                             performances of Oscar in Un ballo in maschera and
                                                             Frasquita in Carmen.
                                                             Additional season engagements included Marrero’s
                                                             debuts in Spain and Portugal as Gretel in a concert
                                                             version of Hänsel und Gretel with the Orquesta
                                                             Sinfónica del Principado de Asturias in Oviedo,
                                                             Spain, and Adina in L’elisir d’Amore with Plateia
                                                             Protagonista in Portugal. She also reprised Carmina
                                                             Burana in the 2022 Gala Concert at Sun Valley
                                                             Music Festival and returned to the Grand Teton
                                                             Music Festival to sing Musetta in La bohème with
                                                             Sir Donald Runnicles conducting.
                                                             Marrero’s summer season culminated with Runnicles
                                                             and the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra,
                                                             celebrating the opening concert of the Edinburgh
                                                             International Festival’s 2022 concert series with
                                                             another performance of Carmina Burana.
                                                             Marrero’s 2020-21 season included several role
                                                             debuts at the Deutsche Oper Berlin: Nannetta in
                                                             Falstaff, Biancofiore in a new production of Francesca
                                                             da Rimini by Christof Loy (recorded on DVD for Naxos),
            Meechot Marrero                                  and Tebaldo in Don Carlo. Other engagements
            Soprano/Papagena                                 included a recital with Joel Prieto and the role
                                                             of Rosaura in the zarzuela Los gavilanes with
                                                             CulturArte de Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico
            Soprano Meechot Marrero has been called,         Symphony Orchestra.
            “a revelation... a young Puerto Rican star with a
            great career ahead” (El Nuevo Día). As a member of   Roles at the Deutsche Oper Berlin during the
            the Deutsche Oper Berlin ensemble, the 2023-24   2019-20 season included Liù in Turandot, Oscar
            season (Marrero’s eighth with the company) includes   in Un ballo in maschera, a role debut of Micäela in
            performances as Papagena in Die Zauberflöte,     Carmen, Adele in Die Fledermaus, Pamina in Die
            Frasquita in Carmen, Gretel in Hänsel und Gretel    Zauberflöte and Jano in Jenůfa. In the same season,
            and Blumenmädchen II in Parsifal, in addition to   Marrero reprised Cunegonde in Candide at the
            engagements with Opera San Antonio as Gretel in   Komische Oper Berlin and Carmina Burana under
            Hänsel und Gretel and concert appearances with the   the baton of Sir Donald Runnicles at the Grand Teton
            Nashville Symphony, the Sun Valley Music Festival   Music Festival.
            and the Grand Teton Music Festival.    
            During the 2022-23 season, Marrero reprised
            the role of Gretel both in Europe with the Deutsche
            Oper Berlin, as well as in the US with New Orleans
            Opera. Additional performances in Berlin included
            Marzelline in Fidelio, Papagena in Die Zauberflöte,
            Adele in Die Fledermaus and Biancofiore in Francesca
            da Rimini.

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