Page 179 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 179

August 16 & 17

               Davia Bouley                                       Photo: Simon Pauly
               Contralto/Second Lady

               Acclaimed for having a voice of “true beauty”
               (Operawire), American contralto Davia Bouley is
               attracting attention from US and European audiences
               alike for her distinctive rich voice and her alluring
               stage presence. She has performed with opera
               companies, music festivals and in concert all over
               the United States and Europe, including Cincinnati
               Opera, Theater Dortmund, Indianapolis Opera,
               Isarphilharmonie München, Aspen Music Festival,
               Berliner Philharmonie, Festspielhaus Baden-Baden
               and Deutsche Oper Berlin.
               In the 2023-24 season, Bouley returned to the
               Deutsche Oper Berlin for some exciting new
               productions and role debuts: Maestra delle Novizie in
               Suor Angelica and Third Secretary in Nixon in China.
               She reprised her roles as Delia in Il viaggio a Reims
               and Dritte Dame in Die Zauberflöte. She made
               her concert debuts at the Alte Oper Frankfurt and
               the Liederhalle Stuttgart as well as a return to the
               Meistersingerhalle Nürnberg, Isarphilharmonie
               München and the Berliner Philharmonie as Flosshilde
               in Der Ring an einem Abend.

               In recent seasons, she made a role and house debut   Bostridge, and Hippolyta in a new production of
               as Siegrune in Die Walküre with Theater Dortmund,   A Midsummer Night’s Dream, under the musical
               directed by Peter Konwitschny; a return to the US as   direction of Sir Donald Runnicles.
               the alto soloist in Handel’s Messiah with the Texas   As a concert soloist, Bouley has performed many
               Master Chorale; return to Deutsche Oper Berlin    notable works in the alto repertoire, including Bach’s
               as Dritte Dame in Die Zauberflöte, and a tour of   Magnificat, Mozart’s Requiem and Solemn Vespers,
               concert debuts as Flosshilde in Der Ring an einem   Duruflé’s Requiem, Haydn’s Theresienmesse,
               Abend with the Weimar Staatskapelle, performing at   Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 and Choral Fantasy,
               the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, Isarphilharmonie   Debussy’s Trois Chansons and Handel’s Messiah.
               München, Weimarhalle, Meistersingerhalle Nürnberg   She has also performed contemporary works such
               and the Berliner Philharmonie.                    as George Crumb’s Unto the Hills and Jean Berger’s
               Bouley made her European debut at the Deutsche    Five Songs on Poems of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots
               Oper Berlin in the 2017-18 season as the          at the Grandin Festival.
               2  Paysanne in their new production of Meyerbeer’s   A native of Southern California, she received her
               Le Prophète under the baton of Enrique Mazzola.    Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in Voice at
               She then went on to perform more roles at Deutsche    Pepperdine University, under the tutelage of Henry
               Oper that season, including Zweite Dame in Das    Price. She earned her Master of Music in Vocal
               Märchen von der Zauberflöte, Delia in Il viaggio a   Performance from the University of Cincinnati
               Reims and Lola in Cavalleria Rusticana. She has since   College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) as a student
               become a regular guest soloist with the company,   of Kenneth Shaw.
               returning recently to perform roles including Dritte
               Dame in Die Zauberflöte, the Beggar Woman in
               Graham Vick’s Death in Venice alongside Ian

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