Page 217 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
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Jan & Chuck Davis        Randi Levine &           Trina & Mike Overlock    Douglas V. Thomas III,
               Diehl Gallery              Jeff Trenton           Lucy & Toby Rankin        in memory of Judith
               Larry Finch, in memory of   Paul von Gontard      Karen Rockey/Morgan       Ann Koerner
                 Jan Finch              Andrea Lawrence Wood       Stanley Gift Fund      WESTAF & the National
               The Fossel Family Fund   Wyoming Arts Council     Belinda & Ferrill Roll    Endowment for the Arts
               The Goodman Family                                The Rotenstreich
                 Foundation             GUARANTORS                 Family Foundation      $1,000+
               Income Focus Portfolio   $3,500+                  The Safir Family         Marcia Kunstel &
                 Management, LLC        The Aaron Copland          Foundation              Joseph Albright
               John Kongsgaard            Fund for Music         The Lightner Sams        Anonymous
               Matthew & Erin Lusins    Emily Ambler               Foundation of Wyoming,    Ann Baker
                                                                                          Patricia Barganier
                 Charitable Fund                                   in memory of Earl
               Russell Mace Foundation  Diana Nelson &             Sams Lightner, Sr.     The Edward G. Beddow
                                          John Atwater
               Sue & Stephen Morriss    Donna & Ken Barrow       Maggie & Dick Scarlett    Charitable Gift Fund,
                                                                                           in memory of Ann Frame
               Julie & William Obering                           Diane Schafer / Lucy
               O’Neill Family           Heather & Rick Black       Foundation Fund        Bonnie & Merton Bell
                                                                                          Gainor Bennett
                                        Yumee & Mark
                 Charitable Trust                                  of the Jewish
               Outpost/Snake River        Bodenhammer              Communal Fund          Kimberley Black
                 Roasting Co.           Judy & Tom Bowser        Laura & Doug Skidmore    Noeleen Bristow
               Jerry Rose               Faye H. Campbell         Nancy Jarrell & Ed Smail   Barbara Bruser
               Lisa & Glenn Steele      Elaine & John Carney     Tate Family Donor Fund   Frank Burgess
                                                                                          Abby & Leon Campbell
               Marguerite &             Christine Coleman        TCSD #1 Recreation
                 Matthew Stoner         Roberta & Steven           District               Lisa Carlin
               Martine Lamoreux &         Denning / The Sage     Nancy Newcomer Vick      Jessica Case
                                                                                          Hillary Hahn &
                 David Stout                                     Allison von Maur
               O’Ann Fredstrom &        Cherie, Avery &          Lucinda Abbe &            Jeffrey Counts
                 Stuart Sugarman          Tim Dodge                James Warner           Barbara & Philip Derrow
               Teton Grantor Trust      Emerald Coast            Teresa & Bill Waterman   Lynne & C. VanLeer Davis
                                          Charitable Foundation
               David Augé &             Joan Goldfarb            Lucy Wild                The Kessler Fund,
                                                                                           in honor of
                 Teton Motors                                    Sharon Felzer &
               Teton Pines Country Club  Gary & Susan Halling      Alan Winters            Richard Brown
               Sarah & Joe Tripodi      Caren & Jeff Hendren                              Jane & Jeff Deming
               UBS Private Wealth       Barbara & Chuck Herz     FRIENDS                  Suzy Kellems Dominik
                 Management             Betsy & Jim Hesser       $2,500+                  Reade & David Dornan
               Amy & Steve Unfried      Carole Hofley            Arts For All, provided   Sarita & Brent Eastman
                                        Jarve Family Fund
               Barbara & John Vogelstein                           by Teton County and    David N. Elan
                                        Elisabeth &                the Town of Jackson    Marcia Allen &
               $6,000+                    Chansoo Joung          Christoph Cushman         Gary Finkel
               Anonymous                Dale & Jay Kaplan        Karen & Glenn Doshay     George W. Ford
               The Birenbaum            Dr. & Mrs. Michael Karpf   Tania & Thomas Evans   Lynn Friess
                 Family Foundation      Kathleen Brown           Margot Walk & Jerry      Rosalie Gallagher,
               Wesley Chan                Family Fund              Freeland, in memory     in honor of
               Christina Chambers       Karen & Jay Kemmerer       of Joe Bennet,          Stanley Seidler
               Myrna & Stephen          Judy & William Krips       Al Hilde, Jr., &       Brian Garrett
                 Greenberg              Irene & Alan Lund          Bill Weiss             Ilene & Howard Garber
               The Jerry & Marilyn      Dee & Fred Lyons         Renee & Mark Havens      Penelope & Jeffrey Gilbert
                 Handler Foundation     Mackenzie Family         Jackson Hole Travel &    Linne & Lyn Haddock
               Penney & A.C. Hubbard      Foundation               Tourism Board          Leslye, Lachlan &
               Beedee Ladd              Margery &                Del & Terry Johnson       David Hardie
               The Live Oak Foundation    Edgar Masinter         Esther Martinez          Bruce Hawtin
               Rose Novak               Nancy & Mark Maymar      Katherine Michiels       Virginia &
               Robin & Robert Paulson   Kathleen McCarragher     Marilyn Nelson            Michael Halloran
               Shirley & Paul Piper     Doyen McIntosh           James & Cheryl           Julia & Marv Heileson
               Rendezvous Mountain      Robert H. &                Reinertsen             Leslie & David Hill
                 Rentals                  Robert J. Meier        Nancy Resor              Nina & Todd Hohman
               Lynn Fleisher &          Alice Moorhead           Sujitpan Bao Lamsam &    Christine Hruza-Iams &
                 John Roberts           The Nelson Family          Scott Sagan             William Iams
               Carol Baker & Mark Stein  The Frank A. O’Neil     Anita & Julian Saul
                                          Family Foundation

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