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donors & sponsors

            MOOSE |                  Linda & John A.         Senator Roy Goodman,     Emily & Carl Knobloch
              $100,000-$249,999       Sherman, Jr.             in memory of Barbara    Robin & Sam Lightner
            Christine & Ross Hartley  Jean & Scott Spangler    Furrer Goodman         Gretchen Long
            Sylvia Neil & Dan Fischel  Joyce & Bill Sullivan  Sally & Rick Mogan      Deborah &
            Mr.  & Mrs. Gilman Ordway  Sue & Pike Sullivan   Susan & Jon Rotenstreich   David MacKenzie
            Maggie & Dick Scarlett                           Maggie & Dick Scarlett   Diann & Tom Mann
            Margot Walk &            Walk Festival           Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Stifel   Margery & Edgar Masinter
              Jerry Freeland                                                          Marilyn & Charles S.
                                     Hall Preservation       $25,000+
            BEAR | $50,000-$99,999   Project                 Beth & David Augé &        Mechem, Jr.
            Marion Buchenroth        Bob Paulson & Margot      Teton Motors           Dinny & Lester Morse
            Joyce & John Caddell     Walk, 2006 Campaign     Peter A. Benoliel &      Marilyn & Glen Nelson
                                                                                      Laura & Ed Opler
              and The Caddell        Co-Chairs                 Willo Carey
              Foundation                                     Berlin Architects        Pamela & Jerry Rankin
            Jayne & Al Hilde, Jr.    We gratefully recognize    Mary Anne &           Phyllis & Chuck Savidge
                                                                                      Margot Snowdon &
            Penney & A.C. Hubbard    the donors whose          Richard Cree
                                                                                        Yves Desgouttes
            Adrienne & John Mars     gifts raised over $5M    Roberta &               Susie & Dave Spackman
            Robin & Bob Paulson      to complete the           Steven Denning
            Kenneth & Caroline Taylor   Walk Festival Hall    Jay & Dale Kaplan       Joyce & Bill Sullivan
              Family Foundation      Preservation Project.   Kemmerer Family          Frances & Allan Tessler
            Christy Walton                                   Doris & Gerald Laubach   Thanksgiving Foundation
            William E. Weiss         $250,000+               Sylvia Neil & Dan Fischel   Joan & Walt Thulin
                                                                                      Polly & Dick Vaughan
              Foundation             In honor of Baroness    Carole & Jack Nunn
            Elaine & Jim Wolfensohn   Consuelo von Gontard   Abby & George O’Neill    Barbara &
                                      & Felix Buchenroth, Jr.                           John Vogelstein
            DEER | $25,000-$49,999   Maurice Walk Fine       Shirley & Paul Piper     Robin & Bill Weiss
            Beth & David Augé, and    Arts Foundation        John A. Sherman, Jr.     Dr. & Mrs. Frank
              Teton Motors           Ann & Dick O’Leary      Diane & Donald Siegel      D. Werner
            Gainor & Joe Bennett                             Joanne & David Stokes    Wiancko Family Fund
            Peter A. Benoliel &      $100,000+               Stan & Barbara
              Willo Carey            Lynne & Jack Fritz        Trachtenberg           For A Sound
            Carol & Peter Coxhead    Christine & Ross Hartley   $10,000+              Future
            Jan & Larry Finch        Jayne & Al Hilde, Jr.   Gertrude Brennan         Al Hilde, Jr. & Stanley
            Lynne & Jack Fritz       Penney & A.C. Hubbard   Jackie & Gary Childress  Seidler, 2000
            Sharon & Dale Hilpert    Carolyn & Chuck Miller   Mark Daverin &          Endowment Campaign
            Shirley & Paul Piper     Robin & Bob Paulson       Kelly McDermott        Co-Chairs
            Barbara & John Vogelstein  Maggie & Dick Scarlett    Elizabeth &
            Suzanne & John Whitmore   and The Jackson State                           We gratefully recognize
                                      Bank & Trust             Charles duPont         the donors who
            ANTELOPE |               Mary & Stanley Seidler   Cynthia Fayard &        contributed over $10M
              $10,000-$24,999        Caroline & Ken Taylor     Stephen Trickey        in gifts and bequests—
            Marlies Hessel Artzt &    Margot Walk &          Jan & Larry Finch        more than quintupling
              Ed Artzt                Jerry Freeland         David B. Ford            the original Endowment
            Bonnie & Merton Bell                             Four Seasons Resort      Fund and almost doubling
            Betsy & Pete Forster     $50,000+                  Jackson Hole           the campaign goal.
            Lou & John Furrer        Gainor & Joe Bennett    Becky & Carl Goldfischer
            C&N Foundation Carole &   Christine Coleman, in   Bob Graham & Karen Terra   GRAND TETON |
              Norman Hofley           loving memory of my    Louise & Ralph Haberfeld   $500,000+
            Carole & Bob Hummel       parents, Ed & Winnie   Suzanne & George Harris   Joyce & John Caddell,
            Thomas Mangelsen, Inc.    Coleman, who instilled   Terry Hazen &            Caddell Construction
            Claire & Dick Morse       in me a love of music    Honey-Do!, Inc.          Company, Inc.
            Pam & Dick Niner         Carol & Peter Coxhead   Barker Hickox            Jan & Larry Finch
            Chris & John Nyheim      Lou & John Furrer,      Sharon & Dale Hilpert    Jayne & Al Hilde, Jr.
            Jerry Rose                in memory of Barbara    Stephen A. Kaplan &     Susan & Pike Sullivan
                                      Furrer Goodman           Alyce K. Sigler        Frances & Allan Tessler

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